The Clayton Committee to Stop the Abuse of Eminent Domain has launched a website:
Never before has Clayton taken such an aggressive step that would permit the developer to take an existing business and replace it with another that might provide greater tax benefit to the city.80% of Clayton residents have stated their opposition to the city’s action and 86% say the city should have waited for the State of Missouri to address the issue. With this strength, the citizens submitted a petition for Referendum that was supported by five times the signatures required. To our surprise the city rejected the petition based on a charter technicality. We are outraged.
They've called a meeting of local business owners for Thursday at 5 PM, at The Crowne Plaza, 7750 Carondelet Ave.
Good day! this is one of the most interested statement I have heard anyone said. I have always say to myself there are no rules telling us what to do, but rules telling us what not to do. We need to start making rules telling us what to do and we will see how creative our world would be. thanks,
Posted by: stock item | November 03, 2011 at 08:53 PM